'Quarters for Married Soldiers Going to India in the Old Days.' From "Tommy Atkins" Married – Past and Present, The Graphic, 12 January 1884.

'Life on board a troop-ship: dinner-time.' The Illustrated London News, 6 December 1873.

'Life on board a troop-ship: "commence firing".' The Illustrated London News, 6 December 1873.

'Married Life on Board a Modern Troop-Ship.' From "Tommy Atkins" Married – Past and Present, The Graphic, 12 January 1884.

'Women's and Children's Quarters on a Modern Troop-Ship.' From "Tommy Atkins" Married – Past and Present, The Graphic, 12 January 1884.

'Children's tug of war on a homeward-bound troopship, boys versus girls.' The Graphic, 29 October 1887.

'On board a troopship. Serving out gratuitous warm clothing to women and children.' The Graphic, 3 August 1889.

'Children's Christmas dinner at sea. A sketch on a homeward bound troopship from the drawing by G. Durand.' The Graphic, Christmas number, 1889.

The MV Devonshire, which was scrapped in 1967, served as a troopship between 1939 and 1962.
The SS Nevasa served as a troopship from 1956 until 1962, and later as an educational cruise ship until 1975, when she was scrapped. Margaret Cleeve recalls sailing to Mombasa, Kenya, on the Nevasa with her family in 1961; to read her account of the journey ('PERSONAL STORY: FROM BRITAIN TO GERMANY, VIA KENYA'), click here.